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AFR 205cc Ford Small Block Outlaw Race Cylinder Heads, Bare
AFR 205cc Ford Small Block Outlaw Race Cylinder Heads, Bare

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Technical Specs
If youÍre looking for the worldÍs finest street/strip head available, AFRÍs 205cc aluminum cyilnder head is your answer. With 2.080 intake valves, 1.600 exhaust valves this head moves tremendous volumes of air through conservative runner volumes, spelling big torque and horsepower numbers. With combustion chamber volumes of 58cc accompanied by 70cc exhaust parts which are raised .125 higher than stock, AFRÍs new 205cc is the ultimate choice for 331 through 392 engines operating from 3500 RPM to 8000 RPM. AFRÍs trademark 3/4î thick head deck makes them ideal for heavy nitrous or blower applications. With available optional nitrous or blower exhaust ports featuring 75cc, 80cc ultra high flow exhaust ports. Note: 2.080 valves will require aftermarket pistons notched for valve clearance. Ford Small Block - 205cc Race Ready CNC Ported Heads - 58cc Combustion Chambers, Stud Mount Rockers - Bare Heads

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